How It works

Step 1

Select Your Flower Arrangement

Step 2

Select Your Delivery Date

Step 3

We Deliver To The Graveside

Step 4

Get Your Confirmation Photo

Select An Arrangement to get started

  • Sympathy eGift Card


make it a subscription

Our subscription service gives you a variety of options to choose from a single yearly delivery up to four deliveries per year. This allows you to have fresh arrangements year-round. You can choose your delivery dates or have them automatically delivered at the beginning of each season.

Option 1: Single Arrangement Delivery


Get a one time delivery of one of our custom hand made arrangements of your choice and receive a confirmation photo after we place the arrangement.

  • 1 Arrangement Yearly $94.95
  • 2 Arrangements Yearly $170.91 ($85.46 each, 10% discount)
  • 3 Arrangements Yearly $242.12 ($ 80.71 each, 15% discount)
  • 4 Arrangements Yearly $303.84 ($75.96 each, 20% discount)
Please click the “+” in the boxes below to select your flower arrangements.
  • Select your first custom arrangement.
  • Second arrangement
  • Third arrangement
  • Fourth arrangement

Select a flower arrangement


Frequently Asked Questions

What is in a subscription?

Our subscription service gives you a variety of options to choose from. Single Yearly Subscription, Two per Year Subscription, Three per Year Subscription, and Four per Year subscription. This allows you to have a fresh arrangement year-round. You can choose your delivery dates or have them automatically delivered at the beginning of each season. We will also discard the previous arrangement and upload an additional confirmation photo after each delivery.

Can I place a single order?

Absolutely. You can send a single arrangement order and receive a confirmation photo once the flower is delivered within 15 days.

How long does it take for my delivery to be confirmed?

On average, it takes 15 days for the flowers to be delivered to the gravesites from the day an order is placed. Most of our customers opt for the subscription service to make sure that their loved ones receive flower arrangements around Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday, etc. By scheduling this subscription delivery ahead of time, you can be sure that the flowers will be delivered on time.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel, pause, or change the delivery dates for your subscription at any time for any reason.

When will I be charged?

You will be charged at the time you place your order. If you sign up for a subscription you will be charged 2 weeks before your first delivery date each year until canceled.

Do you offer any other flower arrangements or custom arrangements?

We plan to offer a wider variety of flower arrangements in the near future. What kind of arrangement would you like to see? We would like to hear from you! Contact Us.

Do you offer fresh flowers?

No, we do not offer fresh flowers at this time. We believe that these high quality silk flower arrangements are just as pretty and look very similar to fresh flowers, while being more durable for the arrangements to stay looking fresh longer.

What if I can’t find the cemetery in the search field?

If you can’t find the cemetery in the search field, you can provide the name and address of the cemetery manually, or skip step 2. If we are not able to service that area, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Where do you deliver?

We are now servicing the entire United States. Honor your loved ones today! Place Order

How do I know that my flower has been delivered?

You will receive an email confirmation with a confirmation photo as soon as the flower has been delivered. Let us know what you think about our service by leaving us a review at:



When should I expect to have my ordered flower arrangement delivered?

We strive to do our best to deliver your ordered flower arrangement on the specified date. However, due to the nature of having to find the gravesite in sometimes very large cemeteries, your ordered flower arrangements may get delivered 1-2 days after or before the specified date. Details that you can provide in the notes section of the order checkout process can help us locate the gravesite much easier and quicker.

How do I provide feedback?

As a new company, we strive to provide the best customer service and experience to all of our customers. If at any point, you are not happy with our service and would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us. Contact Us. Your input is extremely valuable to us and we appreciate the opportunity to better serve you.

Contact Us


Phone: 1 (833) BLOOM88

Email: Send Us An Email


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Grave Flowers — brought to you by BloomBridge™